Selecting a college student loan is stressful. There are official procedure, terms and conditions that makes it more complex. The following are few things you should know about college student loan.

Thousands of college student loans issued every year. Know about the interest rate because the information about interest rates is vague. Students should know how it is calculated, rate of fluctuations, etc before committing for one.

Your credit score affects the interest rate and the amount of the loan. Be careful while selecting the moneylender for taking the loans. Because some say, low interest but they add the additional interest amount as additional charges.

Do not take loans, which are non-educational. Taking such loans is illegal and against the higher education act policies. Some lenders give loans in the name of others; try to avoid such loans to avoid risk.

Professional lenders give you the selling of loan and some terms and conditions in written format. It is good to stick to one company for college student loans.