It is said in medical terms that every disease has signs and symptoms. Drug addiction is no more than a psychological disease. So even it has signs and symptoms. Do you know that teenagers have high tendency to attract towards drugs. They are more vulnerable to addiction to bad habits, with all their developing brains. It is easy for a person to get rid of addiction when he is at early stages. If you are parent of a teenager, you got to know if your child is falling prey to addiction. This is generally done by using a drug testing kit available. Even watching out for some symptoms of drug addiction can help you to detect addiction in your child at early stage.

Most common symptoms when a child is drug abused are frequent sniffles, cough, stuffy nose; sudden appetite, especially for sweets (“munchies”), or unexplained weight loss or loss of appetite; refusing food, lying about eating; tobacco smell on person or clothes. Even symptoms like overreaction to mild criticism, loss of motivation and enthusiasm can represent the drug abuse in your child.