You are what you think, so life is shaped by your thoughts. Positive affirmations help you to overcome obstacles and get over self-sabotaging and useless negative emotions and thoughts. Focusing on positive affirmations inspires you to take the course you would not have otherwise taken. Writing down affirmations helps solidify them. Putting these written affirmations at places where you can see them at key moments in your daily life changes your outlook and attitude. This drives you to achieve better outcomes.

Many people have confirmed that it takes only one positive thought to change your life. When life is drifting away and you know that is not the direction to take. It is because of the pressures of life and our inability to focus our mind that we do many actions despite our best intentions.

These can be changed by one solid thought – that touches you deep inside and lays the foundation for change and makes a difference to the direction of your life. This is further improved or strengthened by repeating the affirmation either aloud or silently in your mind. This invariably causes your mind to retrain itself and your behaviors start to change.

Every one of us feels stress with our daily routine, at work and some times also at home. Stress leads to many health problems like increase in blood pressure that can lead to severe heart disease. Stress is not at all good for anyone.

Everyone should make an effort to get relieved from stress; one of the ways is with affirmations. Affirmation helps us to reduce the stress and lower anxiety. The following are few affirmations, which are tried for reducing the stress.

Thinking that my roots go down to the earth, I am safe and happy. By this, mind racing gets stopped and allows you to connect yourself with the present situation. Feel light and free and that everything is happening as it should be, this stops the anxiety and nervousness and for high effect tells this with a smiling face. You can focus fully on the present day with affirmations.