The reports of the survey conducted by, Forum of Private Business, revealed that 79% of the SMEs in the Southwest say that paying off the National debt should be the top priority for the government. Next priority was given to introduction of fairer taxes with 41% of the owners supporting it and 12% of the owners suggested increased access of public procurement.

The results of the poll which was conducted from Gloucestershire to Cornwall, also supported the same, with tax simplification as the second priority (63%) and stronger regulation of banks and utility companies gaining 3rd priority (61%).

When the survey was conducted for, how to improve business support locally, 56% were of opinion that reducing local taxation, 35% opted for addressing parking and transport issues and 28% thought crime prevention as one of the ways.

The survey was also conducted on which party understand the businesses properly, the findings were, 18% of the members from South West said that no political party understood their businesses. Whereas in other regions of UK, 38% of them were of the same opinion.