Media, new paper and radio advertising are called as traditional advertising. These advertising are ineffective when compared to the
mobile advertising and online advertising.
SMS advertising is more effective than traditional advertising in the following ways
1.Easy to create: SMS advertising is very easy to create than traditional advertising. In traditional advertising, the business needs a third party to promote their advertisements. Traditional advertising takes more time to create and is associated with many works.
2. Instant reach: SMS advertising is instant, and it reaches the customer in few minutes. Where as in traditional advertising the people may or may not see the advertisement. SMS advertisement reaches directly into the customer pockets, so that the customer will definitely see the ad.
3. Geographical limits: SMS advertising can reach the customers any where in the world. But where as traditional advertising has geographical limit, that means it can reach only particular location people. Example: States, country, or a particular region.
4. Cost effective: SMS advertising is more cost effective than the traditional advertising. SMS advertising requires less amount and it gives more benefits. Where as traditional advertising takes much money to create and to promote.
5.Target customer: SMS advertising reach only the target customers and it is highly personalized. Because the business can send the SMS ad to the potential customers who get benefits from that product. In traditional advertising, the ad may or may not reach the target audience. The advertisement reaches to all the people, whether they get benefits from that products or not.
Sometimes SMS advertising is more beneficial than online advertising. Because online advertising can reach only those people, who are using Internet. But SMS advertising reaches all the people, who are having mobile phones.
Related Sources: Adserver ad network