Banks Fail to Provide Security Against Fraud Attacks

According to a study conducted by Ponemon Institute and sponsored by Gaurdian Analytics, the SMBs in USA are very much concerned about the security of their transaction through online banking. The following are the findings of the study: 55% of the businesses exerienced fraud, with 58% of them having reported fraud in online banking, in […]

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UK SMEs Believe Government’s Main Priority is to Fulfill Deficit

The reports of the survey conducted by, Forum of Private Business, revealed that 79% of the SMEs in the Southwest say that paying off the National debt should be the top priority for the government. Next priority was given to introduction of fairer taxes with 41% of the owners supporting it and 12% of the […]

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SMEs Lack Insight on IT Security: GFI

According to GFI, 46% of SMEs were having declining sales figures and 37% showed flat growth. Therefore as a measure to curb their expenses most of the SMEs are cutting down their expenses on IT. In 2009, 44% of SMEs are planning to cut down their IT budget, and only 19% plan to increase. IT […]

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Small Business Owners Struggle to Find Skilled Workers

As per the statistics released by United States Department of Labor in July, the National Unemployment rate was 9.7%, which is same as the year earlier. But contrary to the above fact, many of the small business owners are finding it difficult to recruit skilled labor. They view that despite the unemployment, there is dearth […]

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Au Pairs and Their Work

The child home care includes nanny care and care by other specialists such as baby sitters, au pairs, nursery nurses, parents’ helpers and so on. Let us know something about au pairs. A foreign national, who is between the ages of 18-26, and comes to the United States through the U.S. Department of State, Bureau […]

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Turnover and Employment Statistics of SMEs in UK Economy – 2008

Statistics for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME) pertaining to UK and regions were released by Department for Business Innovation and Skills. The various facts are as below: SME’s and their growth in UK and English Regions, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland: It is estimated that in UK, at the start of 2008, the total […]

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Working with SEO agencies

Search engine optimization is the process of getting your website rank among the top rankings in the search engines. One of the good ways to reach the customer base is to work with Search engine optimization India. If your guest counter has been going along at a snail’s pace for some time now, you might […]

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SEO – Keyword Marketing

SEO or search engine optimization knowledge is important for the person starting out in online-business. When you are preparing your content for your website make sure that is your content is search friendly for search engines. First you must make a clear keyword choice. Think about the words you would type to find products or […]

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Ten Steps To Save Money Now

These days, everyone is trying to cut down their costs to save money. There are few easy ways to save money. Join online savings groups: In this group, people who want to save money come together and collect all links free printable coupons, sales circulars, and consumer insight that save you time. Start clipping coupons: […]


SEO services for Website Promotion

SEO services are one of the most important tools needed for website marketing. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines by providing search results for targeted keywords. Search engines are the place where potential customers find sellers. By optimizing your […]

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